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Главная » 2010 » Июнь » 13
It’s not a long list, but it’s a list that exists and he thinks she would be repulsed by the sight of him if she knew. Step out the door and it feels like rain That's the sound (that's the sound) on your windowpane Take to the streets but you can't ignore That's the sound (that's the sound) you're waiting for It’s one of those good days for her. She’s silent as she sits near the window, tapping at the window as the raindrops slide down. He’s watching her as he stands in the doorway, certain that he shouldn’t approach her. If he did, he’d shatter the scene, break the silence, destroy her peace and he already did enough of that in her life. Instead, he contents himself with observing her still figure, letting his thoughts wander wherever they want. He rarely had these moments. His life was chaotic, fixed in a daily routine unusual to the common mind. He didn’t have time to find sanctuary in his own thoughts. Of course, the only thing he thinks of is her. The huddled mass, appearing to be so fragile and vulnerable, is actually quite dangerous. She has abilities that could easily surpass his and be the death of him, but he doesn’t care. He broke her. That’s what he told himself whenever he asked himself why she left him. He’s not the kind of person to lie to himself so he knows this is the truth, as far as he knows anyways. He’ll lie to others (and he doesn’t even do this often) but never himself.
Категория: Новости | Просмотров: 347 | Добавил: yhumplat | Дата: 13.06.2010

Текст сперт у Ольги, которая в свою очередь сперла его у человека по имени mamontovich............- Текст взят с почти разрешения человека по имени mamontovich, спасибо ему большое. - Вот скажи мне, зачем вы, мужики, когда кончаете, всегда говорите нам об этом? А? Нет правда? Я не понимаю. Ещё и лицо такое сделаете - Алёна скорчила жалобную физиономию, закатила глаза и вывалила на бок язык - как будто всё, пиздец, умираете!!! А? ЗА-А-А-А-ЧЕМ!!!??? "И-и-и-и-й-а-а-а.....канч> айу-у-у-у-у!!!!!" - пропищала она мерзким голосом и затряслась в конвульсиях - И что? И ЧТО!!!??? Вот что я сейчас, по вашему, в этот самый момент должна сделать ?
Категория: Новости | Просмотров: 285 | Добавил: yhumplat | Дата: 13.06.2010

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«  Июнь 2010  »

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